Post by Maris Admin on May 3, 2012 17:05:14 GMT -5
Freed from the threat of Thread, the Holds of Pern grew and prospered. Holders began to move away from the protection of the great Holds to make a life for themselves elsewhere. As the rest of Pern expanded, the Weyrs dwindled to two, Benden and Ista.
With the silver rain gone and their one-time guardians reduced to little more than messengers and freight carriers, the Lord Holders saw no need for tithes and dragonriders. Gone were the days when the Weyrs were worshipped and provided for; after all, what use was there for a dragon with no Thread to fight?. There were roughly three hundred of the beasts left between the two Weyrs, each establishment with a single golden queen. With many people convinced that the days of Threadfall were over and done with and that the Red star would never return, dragons and their riders were considered little more than sizable burdens. The Harpers still taught their songs, but as time passed these ballads became less cautionary tales, and more fantastic stories for the amusement of young children. Pern was a changed place... and the Lord Holders ruled all.
Maris Weyrhold was founded 28 Turns ago in the heart of the Southern Continent.
Maris, an old goldrider and the former leader of Benden, stepped aside to let the younger generation take over. Convinced, like many dragonriders, that Thread would someday return, Maris knew that Pern would not survive what she saw as a mere eventuality.
The goldrider set off with a small force behind her; thirty-three dragonriders and one hundred and fifty weyrfolk. Together they made the trek to the South, searching for a place to settle and to build their new home. They found suitable land with a small lake nearby, and when it was found that the land was protected by the fabled grubs, Maris and those who had followed her soon set up the foundations for the future Weyrhold. Gold Maith rose some time after and a clutch of ten eggs was produced, containing two bronzes, two browns, two blues, three greens... and a gold. That gold Impressed to a young woman named Silvy and announced that her name was Salzinith.
Sadly, Maris did not survive long enough to see her new home prosper. She came down with a fever some days after the clutch had hatched, and Silvy was faced with finishing the task that Maris had started, deciding to name the Weyrhold after its previous Weyrwoman. Meanwhile in the North, an unknown illness was sweeping across the land and the Lord Holders were steadily becoming greedier and paranoid. They decreed that the Weyrs could no longer search candidates from their Holds, and countless hatchlings went between. Dragons were now seen as parasites and a blight upon the good, hardworking Holdfolk. Pern turned on the dragonriders, and the Weyrs themselves began to fall victim to the illness.
Silvy sent word to the Weyrs that they would welcome the cornered dragons... but only if they were fit and healthy. She couldn't risk the disease speading to the Weyrhold. A small holding was set up near to the Weyrhold, and new arrivals were housed for four sevendays. A few sick dragons slipped in, but the disease was eventually confined and treated by the Healers, who had developed new methods over the turns of treating firehead and the myriad illnesses you could pick up in the South. Maris grew and began to find its feet. The dragonmen thrived.
Fourteen turns ago, Salzinith's flight was won by a bronze named Geth. She clutched fifteen eggs, and The Weyr rejoiced, but were left rather confused when three new colours also emerged. A fiery female Crimson with a temper to match, a bronze-sized Obsidian and a small Quartz who shimmered like a rainbow. The last of these mutations was female, and would later go on to clutch. The gold queen's last clutch of fourteen eggs, once again sired by Geth, contained even more baffling results. Two new colours... a female blue who called herself Sapphire... a gold who Impressed to a young man and a massive bronze who selected a tiny female. This greatly upset the traditionalists at Maris, including Geth and his rider J'zib.
When the Red Star was seen once more, dragons and their riders knew what lay ahead. During the hatching feast of what was surely Maris's mos controversial clutch to date, a haggard greenrider came with a grim message. With no word from the Northern Weyrs in five Turns, the Southern Weyr had been grown increasingly concerned, and for good reason. A'kii and Zeykonasuth told tales of a vicious cult, one whose members sacrificed dragonkind to the returning Red Star. With the Northern Weyrs annihilated, Maris became the last refuge for dragonkind.
In spite of the danger, Weyrwoman Silvy and Weyrleader J'zib decided to send small groups of riders to scout around the ruins of the Northern Weyrs. These groups confirmed A'kii's horrifying stories, and brought back with them to Maris the survivors of the Northern massacre, but one rider did not return. Pulled from the sky by the cult, J'zib and Geth were slain and Maris was left without its Weyrleaders. Conscious of the need to present a strong front to the mourning Weyr, Silvy named Wingleader Nys'sul of bronze Mneleth acting Weyrleader and began the process of readying the Weyr for the war to come.
Only the war never came to the South, and rumors of the Cult of the Red Star died away entirely even as the Red Star itself glared balefully down on Pern and...did nothing. For two turns, Maris has waited, and for two turns all has been silent. No queen has risen to the skies for a mating flight, but neither have the lesser clutching females risen to
What we feature:
- A few high ranks are still open
- Friendly mods and members
- A no-pressure environment
- Flexible character creation
- More frequent clutches with an opportunities for anyone who wants to play a clutching dragon.
- Member-run clutches
- Unique bond-able pets.
What we need:
- A few brownriders for flavour.
- Crafters and weyrfolk are always welcome.
- Blueriders and greenriders. Gold star if you bring us one.
- Travelers! With The New Hope fast approaching Pern, we need some refugees from Earth!
- Maris has frequent clutches so your candidates are welcome as well!
Current events:
- After two Turns in which every fertile female failed to rise, Senior Queen Salzinith takes to the skies to determine the new Weyrleader!
- After a single incident of Threadfall, why has it not returned since then? Does this have anything to do with the queens failing to rise?
- The cultists have been far too quiet for far too long after wiping the dragons out in the North. Could they really be gone?
- Whers are presumed to be extinct, but is that really the case?
- A strange star grows brighter in the sky with every passing night.
Maris Weyrhold - we're ready for the Future! But what about the rest of Pern?